NON-MEMBER Pricing - November 19th 2024: Churn at the Top - Understanding what contributes to police chief tenure and success in Canada with Dr. Tarah Hodgkinson
Churn at the Top - Understanding what contributes to police chief tenure and success in Canada
with Dr. Tarah Hodgkinson
Dr. Tarah Hodgkinson is an assistant professor in the department of Criminology at Wilfrid Laurier University. She is also a SafeGrowth(R) practitioner, working with neighbourhoods across the world to co-create crime prevention strategies. Her current research agenda is focused on community safety, including spatial patterns of crime in rural and urban areas, bottom-up and integrated crime prevention approaches, and policing, including police organizations, police leadership, and police oversight and governance. For the past several years, she has been conducting research, in partnership with CAPG, on the alignment gap and the governance gap in Canadian policing.