*Non-Member Pricing* 2022 December - Measuring the Success of your Police Leadership
Measuring the Success of Police Leadership
CAPG WEBINAR with Senator Gwen Boniface, Retired Senator
Vern White, Dr. Vidal Chavannes & Stan MacLellan.
Tuesday, December 6, 2022 | 12:00 pm ET
In policing, executive selection is the single most critical step in building a strong
organization. Police executives play a key role in managing a police service and
representing it to the public. How do you measure the success of your key executives?
This webinar will delve into best practice research on police leadership, explore past
approaches to establishing police leadership measurement, current research on better
practices and dialoguing the opportunity to establish a framework that can assist police
governance bodies help police leaders and therefore policing in the future.
Gwen Boniface, Senator, Retired OPP Commissioner
Senator Gwen Boniface was appointed to the Senate of Canada on
November 10, 2016 and is a member of the Independent Senators
Group. Her work in the Senate includes past membership on the
Senate Standing Committees on Aboriginal Peoples, Legal and
Constitutional Affairs, and current membership on the Foreign
Affairs and International Trade, and Rules, Procedures and the
Rights of Parliament. She chaired the National Security and
Defence Committee from 2017-2021.
Senator Boniface initiated a Truth and Reconciliation project in her home community of
Orillia in 2019 with Indigenous and non-Indigenous members. The initiative has grown
and continues to evolve through regular meetings with local Elders and community
stakeholders. She has dedicated her efforts in the Senate to address Human
Trafficking, ending Domestic Violence and curbing the Opioid Crisis. In November of
2021, she introduced a Senate public bill entitled Bill S-232: An Act respecting the
development of a national strategy for the decriminalization of illegal substances, to
amend the Controlled Drugs and Substances Act and to make consequential
amendments to other Acts.
Prior to Senator Boniface’s appointment to the Upper Chamber, she served
internationally for 10 years, including as Deputy Chief Inspector of Ireland’s Garda
Síochána Inspectorate tasked with reforming Ireland’s national police service; as a
Transnational Organized Crime Expert with the United Nations Police Division and as
Deputy Executive Director of the International Association of Chiefs of Police. Senator
Boniface was the first female Commissioner of the Ontario Provincial Police and is a past President of the Canadian Association of Chiefs of Police. Ms. Boniface served
with Law Commission of Canada for 5 years as a Commissioner.
Vern White, Retired Senator & Chief of Police
Vern White is a retired Senator and an International Senior Fellow
at the Australian Strategic Policy Institute. Previously he has
served as Police Chief for the city of Ottawa, Canada.
Vern has also worked with the Royal Canadian Mounted Police, moving
through the ranks from Constable to Assistant Commissioner and
has served in three provinces and three territories, spending
almost 19 years in the three northern territories. He has also
worked for the Durham Regional Police Service and the Ottawa Police Service in the
role of Chief of Police between 2005 and 2012.
He has been an Adjunct, visiting or part-time professor at the University of Ontario
Institute of Technology, the University of Ottawa, Carleton University and as a visiting
fellow at the Australian Institute of Police Management. He is presently an adjunct
professor at Charles Sturt University. Vern has extensive background in all avenues of policing, both operational and administrative.
Vern has been Guest lecturer at the University of Alaska, St Mary's University,
Dalhousie University, Charles Sturt University, University of Ontario Institute of
Technology, Simon Fraser University, Carleton University, University of Ottawa,
Chinese People's Public Security University and The Indian National Police Academy.
Dr Vidal Chavannes, Director Strategy Research and Organizational Performance,
Durham Regional Police Service
Vidal A. Chavannes, Ed.D, M.A.Ed., B.A., B.Ed, is currently the
Director of Strategy, Research & Organizational Performance with
Durham Regional Police Service. In this regard, Dr. Chavannes
charts the strategic direction of the organization and manages
teams responsible for strategic planning, key performance indicator
(KPI) development and tracking at the organizational and divisional
levels, and all education and training for members, inclusive of the use of force and academic portfolios.
Vidal has more than fifteen years of extensive experience in education and training in
Canada, the United States and the United Kingdom, including secondary, post-
secondary and technical and vocational education and training (TVET) teaching and
program development, delivery, evaluation and review.
He holds a Doctorate in Education from the University of Calgary, with a specialization
in Higher Education Leadership. Dr. Chavannes has worked in a full-time and consulting capacity with a variety of public, private and non-profit organizations, all within the
training and education ecosystem. Through these engagements, he has written
curriculum, developed articulation agreements, managed faculty and staff and charted
the strategic direction of a variety of organizations across North America and
Stan MacLellan, CAO, Durham Regional Police Service
Stan MacLellan is an experienced Chief Administrative Officer with
a demonstrated ability to work effectively with a broad cross
section of stakeholders, private and public. Driving innovation and
positive change with the women and men of the DRPS by leading
a large, diverse team delivering corporate services in People,
Development and Learning, Finance, Corporate Communications,
Fleet, Facilities, Record Management, IT, Strategy, Research,
Organizational Performance, Legal Services, and Innovation. A
skilled leadership professional with expertise in Innovation, Financial Management,
Coaching, Government, Strategic Planning, Employee Engagement, Innovation and
Team Building.