NON-MEMBER Pricing - August 20th, 2024: The Role of Police in Assisting Victims of Mass Violence
The Role of Police in Assisting Victims of Mass Violence with:
- Sue O’Sullivan B.A, O.O.M, ED Canda LinCT-AA, Chair INVICTM, Chair CACPNWG
- Maria McDonald, INVICTM
- Mary Fetchet, Executive Director and President, Voices Centre for Resilience
- Cst. Danielle Bottineau, Emergency Mgmt/Public Order, Toronto Police Service
- Karen Collins, Manager Emergency Planning Unit, Vancouver Police Department (CACP NWG)
History has taught us that no community, rural or urban, is safe from mass victimization. As gatekeepers of adequate and effective policing, Police Boards & Commissions are instrumental in developing policies that build community trust grounded upon transparency and accountability. That ‘trust’ is placed on Police Boards & Commissions to carry out their legislated duties and functions to plan and prepare with police leadership for when the worst may come to pass.
Policing is about protecting and keeping our communities safe, but it is also about providing victims, survivors, family members and the public with the information, support and resources that they need, in a victim-centred manner, if and/or when a mass victimization event occurs.
This session will consider the importance of the integration of a human rights and victim-centred lens into policing and how it is relevant to Police Board/Commission members.